Monday, April 30, 2007

Guess where?

Anne with some still water in the background, with old buildings on each side of the water.  A boat is on the water.  Several more water craft are visible.

I had delayed visiting here for too long! Within hours of arrival, I wanted to visit again. And before departing, we said "The next time we must see..." several times.

(Picture added from Picasa. From Picasa's menu, choose
Create then Publish to Blogger. I chose medium for the picture.)

I removed the picture because it didn't have any alt text. I tried to put it back again but it doesn't look like I succeeded! The alt text remains!!!

Posted by Picasa

diary test from my gmail

another test to set up the email for my blog
(Test from Uni email is not good as it leaves the "NOTE: This email..." message in.)
Note: it works fine from my gmail

CIPeL secondment

Just been seconded to CIPeL so this will be the space that I will use for a diary. I've already set up a visible CIPeL wiki giving details of my secondment. There will follow an invisible one!