Thursday, June 19, 2014

Professional highlights - looking back

Highlights of some of the things that I have done at Coventry University. These are of international, national and University-wide impact.

Accessibility in online learning and resources

Presented nationally and internationally on inclusion - accessibility and IT issues. I presented in the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London in TechShare. My poster presented at ITiCSE in Dundee won outstanding poster prize.

I presented a paper in Anchorage on work (Create interactive accessible e-learning) that I completed for CIPEL.

Asked to edit the Teaching Disabled Students guidelines.

The Naked Lecturer my blog won a University award.

I created Coventry University's guidelines on Inclusive e-Learning.


Asked by Rosario Kane-Iturrioz to join the e-TALIA project which enabled me to work with European partners in their countries and to present results at conferences. The 2012 Universal Learning Design conference in Austria where I also chaired a session, had a gala dinner and I sat next to Evelyn Glennie.
studies have highlighted the need for enhancing language skills and intercultural awareness training of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ...
The e-TALIA project seeks a greater understanding through transnational cooperation of the specific language and cultural awareness needs as well as of the learning culture of SMEs in the Hospitality and Leisure sectors. 


I was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada for three months. Having kept contact with colleagues there and hosted a reciprocal visit from Alan Wright, Vice-Provost, there are also links being forged between some UWin students and Coventry University students of Forensic and Investigative Studies.


Student guides for the University's virtual learning environment - there's an archive for 2000 - 2008 of the guides that I wrote In subsequent years, guides went to single pages. I also wrote tutor guides.

I wrote and updated a Mahara e-portfolio guide for tutors and students.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


In view of my imminent departure from Coventry University (I'm retiring!)...

Colleagues at Coventry University will be able to access my Mahara resources via the Mahara Group named Anne Dickinson's Group.

YouTube movies are in my channel.

There are many CUBA blogs but some are out of date. The Naked Lecturer has been reclothed and is in the Acdev site, but to date is still there for reference.

Other resources are in the Acdev site

Don't forget THIS BLOG!


The items that are in Curve digital repository (University Collection) are available for people in Coventry University to find.

Some examples:

Teaching Disabled Students (Edited. Open Collection)

Mahara e-portfolio at Coventry University - an introductory guide

Inclusive e-learning

Spring 2014 Technology Enhanced Learning courses

Other items are scattered to the cloud

Just one or two examples:

It's not about the Technology from Goanimate (Pirates no longer available)

Homework not handed in from Goanimate

PowerPoint Alternatives - using Spicynodes. Beautiful rendering of a mindmap.

Cricket Season from my Audioboo list.

Robert and Marvin - I rescued an example, modified it and it's in YouTube.