Thursday, March 14, 2013

Moodle for Tutors of the Linguae Mundi courses

The organisation

Each language (10) had a Moodle course assigned to it. There was more than one tutor teaching some of the languages so groups were used in Moodle. Tutors had their own groups of students. Corresponding Moodle groups were set up and students selected the Moodle group to which they belonged. They then had access to the resources and activities that were put into Moodle by their tutor.

As a result, the training materials contained some information about groups and selective release, as well as using a Forum that has a Separate Groups setting.

Preparing Documents

To make the document more accessible, I recommended marking the language within a document and using Styles in Word. I showed some short movies that I created. They use the Word 2007 version but the options are similar.


The accessibility movies and a link to my handout for this session are all available on this page. (I created the page using Mahara.)