Monday, December 16, 2013

PgCert - Sketches

In preparation for the Pg Cert session that I'm delivering on 17th Dec, here are some sketches of things that might be in there:

My Prezis 

 Technology Enhanced learning at Coventry University -

 Finding Technology - includes my technology-wise criteria

  TIPS from the above

  • Make it your own by using your photo
  • Make it easier for yourself by using a template

A Source 

C4LPT Top 100 tools for Learning:


From this I looked at etherpad.  It's like using a very simple wiki.
pick one of publicly available instances that friendly people from everywhere around the world have set up.
So I chose this:

Then I have to suggest a name of a pad that I've already started (or at least get everyone into one). Everyone/group needs to be in the same one.
Then I gave everyone a little exercise to do...

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2013
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2013
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2013