Thursday, September 13, 2007

Final two sessions

Four people for each session. Just enough. Certainly the "going round each person" part was a little crowded. I would have planned the starting bit in a separate room but am glad we did a round robin.

Both sessions made me think that they could have been longer as they both overran.

In the first session there were two people who were from the same office. A disadvantage. At least they didn't sit together, although I suspect that they were influenced as one person had to "leave early" and so did the other.

The second session - one out of the four arrived on time. This really bugged me.

Not everyone brought a Word document with them. This really bugged me too.

I found that they needed guidance in writing the sentences about the document (the TW) so I created a helpful screen with a list of things that they could include. This worked well for the next-last session but not the last session where I really needed it - it was online and there was no online access to the computers.

The examples that I demonstrated must have been useful. Comparing it with the last session, when I did not have access to the examples and instead used solely the question examples produced by CG, the earlier sessions were moe successful.

One conclusion - I need to have local alternatives to everything! Hopefully the examples that have been created during the sessions will illustrate these.