Friday, September 07, 2007

Two Courses gone...

This week I ran two of my courses in CIPeL. Only two people in each one but both sessions were very fruitful -
* interprofessional interactions between colleagues
* good examples - unexpected nuggets of gold!
* different issues
* transfer from print to interactive e-pages
* contrast of styles of documents

Nuggets - gaps between text boxes

I used the html break and then put the style into cgHTMLinclude style. Three breaks were sufficient to make "just the right sized" gap between successive paragraphs. All the person had to do was highlight these (surrounded by unformatted "Enter"), copy and paste where needed.

Nuggets - Easy question with not too much typing

the gapfill! Just paste a paragraph (into the answer box) and add [] round each word to be missing, then it's nearly done.